My QSL Cards in the Wind of Change                   

   (Translated by DL4KT - Otmar)

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QSL-Karte der CB-Station Alpha November The station "Alpha November" was activated in 1986. After a break for some years, after "Tony Paula" and "29-E-51", the fun for this hobby came back. The first equipment was a device of the mark TEAM, which was later supplemented by the home station STABO XF4000 with a PAN Super 12  fixed on the balcony railing. From my QTH in Tutzing near the Lake Starnberg  (real name is "Wurmsee") in Bavaria, I could reach the whole of Europe in 1988 and 1989, with the exception of Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra and Vatican-City - with only 4 Watts in FM it went really well. Some of you have got a card of this kind. Thereafter, I had to move to the Rhineland  - my new QTH was Stolberg / Rheinland near Aachen  ....
Die erste QSL-Karte von mir als DG3KCL On December 15th, 1989, the callsign DG3KCL came into the air via the relay DBØWA directly after the exam. One of my first QSO-partners was PAØCYM, Hans (sk) from the neighbourhood of Maastricht. My first equipment was a YEASU FT-290 RII. From my second location Stade  JO43RO, I managed several beautiful contacts to Sweden and Norway with an HB9CV out of the attic window in SSB. Later, a PA and the FT-225 RD supplemented the station. But the most successful device was KENWOOD TR751E - with 25 Watt to a  9-element yagi I operated RB5AL (ODX 1.918 km) in the Ukraine via Aurora and CW.
Die erste QSL-Karte der Station DH0KT

From June 7th, 1991, the callsign DH0KT was on the air after taking the code-exam at 30 lpm. I had my first telegraphy-QSO on 2 meters with DL2XK, Karl (sk) on June 10th, 1991. With my first "SW-station" President Lincoln I had my first CW-QSO on short wave with CX4NF, OM Carlos in Durazno, using a "Boomerang"-antenna >, which was really a DV-27 long counterpoised by a T27, and only 10 Watts output. I experimented with this rig for a while, then the Kenwood TS-680S came into the shack and a Kelemen dipole-antenna onto the roof, and thus I could run nearly 800 CW-QSOs before my next exam.

Die erste QSL-Karte der Station DL1KTP After nearly 800 telegraphy-QSOs on 144 Mc, 28 Mc and 21 Mc, I successfully took the exam for the highest licence class. With the Callsign DL1KTP  I was also allowed to operate on the other bands which were not permitted for a class A-operator in those days. (Things have changed now, as you probably know.) With my little antennas (Kelemen-dipoles, magnetic loops), I was able to establish word-wide contacts now, however, JA, VK or ZL are not logged for every day. But it doesn't always need to be the BEAM and/or the PA every time ...
Die zur Zeit aktuelle QSL-Karte von DL1KTP Since I had to move several times, the antenna situation has not significantly improved. Presently, I operate with a magnetic loop (build by DJ4UK) and with a wire-antenna on a fiberglass telescope rod 8 meters long. Now have an old military whip antenna in use. The tuner is an SG-230 Smartuner, there is enough earth ground meanwhile. Since several families live above, beneath and beside me, I am only on the air in QRP most of the time, almost only in CW or in telegraphy of course. I mostly use the callsign DF0LQ in order to use up the last original QSL-cards ...